
When dealing with life’s daily demands, people need a place to go where they can feel supported and receive help in trying times. A place where adults can find life balance; children can reach their full potential; seniors can be active and find camaraderie; and families can connect and strengthen relationships. By becoming involved with the Itasca County Family YMCA, individuals have the opportunity to improve their health and well-being and connect with the community, all while participating in their favorite program or activity at the Y.



The mission of the Itasca County Family YMCA is to strengthen ourselves, families and communities by promoting growth in spirit, mind and body. We are a community that is dedicated to helping individuals to achieve that balance of spirit, mind and body. We encourage everyone to get involved by joining the Y where they can take advantage of the resources and support to be healthy and connected.

What's included in a membership?

  • Locker room use, daily locker use and shower area
  • Pool – open swim and lap swim times, aqua fitness classes included also, discounted fees for swim lessons
  • Whirlpool and sauna
  • Gymnasium - Open Gym for basketball, Pickleball, and Adult Noon Basketball weekdays in addition to Adult Pickup Basketball one evening a week 6:00-8:30pm
  • Indoor walking and running track
  • Racquetball – free to play and free to borrow equipment
  • Wellness center with cardio machines, weight machines, and free weights
  • Strength Room with plate loaded equipment
  • Free Commit to Fit orientations 
  • All fitness classes are free to members, including judo and karate
  • Free Kid Zone child care for members while parents work out
  • Outdoor Courts at the Y


Programs for Kids and Families
  • Kid Zone, child watch while our adult members work out or otherwise utilize the Y campus, is available for those infants 6 weeks old through age 10. Kid Zone is a free service for our members; adults must stay on the Y campus.
  • Members and childcare families receive reduced rates for youth sports.
  • Youth 14+ are welcome to use the Wellness Center and Strength Room.
  • Youth ages 12 and 13 may use the Wellness Center following a free wellness center orientation. Contact the membership desk for a schedule of youth orientations.
  • Special classes designed for youth 10+.
  • Special events for the entire family.
  • Pool - children 7 years and under must have an adult in the water; 8-14 years adult on pool deck; 15+ allowed on their own.
  • 10 years and under must have an adult supervision while visiting the YMCA.


Fitness Opportunities
  • Membership includes complimentary Commit to Fit orientation to help define health and fitness goals, and identify the appropriate fitness program tailored to YOU.
  • Variety of FREE group fitness classes including Yoga, HIIT, Step, Strength & Conditioning, CardioLift, Boot Camp, Group Cycling, TRX®, Kettlebells and more.


Bring a Guest
  • Three FREE guest passes each year for annual & bankdraft adult and family memberships. Guest passes are now being issued on a case-by-case basis depending on space availability.
  • First Friday Friend Day — Members may bring a friend along to workout on the first Friday of each month!


Membership Rates
 Membership Type  Monthly Bankdraft   One Month Short Term   Day Pass
 YOUTH (10-18)  $24.00  $37.00  $7.00
 YOUNG ADULT (19-23)  $38.00  $44.00  $8.00
 ADULT (24-64)  $54.00  $76.00  $13.00
 2 ADULT HOUSEHOLD   $72.00  $97.00  $19.00
 SINGLE ADULT FAMILY  $68.00  $92.00  $16.00
 FAMILY (2 Adults with Children)  $75.00  $102.00  $19.00
 SENIOR (65+)  $48.00  $67.00  $11.00
 Add One Adult Locker Room   $21.00    
 Add Two Adult Locker Rooms  $27.00    
 Shower Pass      $4.00



Individuals who find membership fees prohibitive are urged to apply for assistance. Applications for membership assistance may be downloaded here
financial assistance application or picked up at the Membership Desk.


A joiner fee of $35.00 is charged on all Adult, Young Adult, Senior, and Family Bankdraft and Annual Memberships.

A checking or savings account will be drafted on the 15th of each month. No contract is required; We do require that members give a 30-day written notice to cancel.

Adult Only Locker Room Includes: towel service, private sauna, and small locker with combination lock.

As a leading nonprofit committed to strengthening community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y seeks to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has an opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.


Health Rebates

The Y accepts many insurance programs for our members. Please contact the membership desk for more information.


Member Wellness Orientations

The Y provides support for our members who are working on getting or staying healthy. Whatever your situation, the YMCA Personal Training Staff can help! Members may sign up for free Commit to Fit orientations and instruction to use our weight equipment and cardio equipment. If you would like to go a step further, you may want to consider purchasing personal training sessions through our certified personal trainers. Not sure which is right for you? Contact our Wellness Staff and they can help guide you.

Our youth members ages 12 and 13 may utilize the Wellness Center upon completion of a training session; the training sessions focus on proper use of equipment and appropriate behavior in the Wellness Center. Members must be 14 to use the Strength Room and Studio Strength Room. Please contact the membership desk to register for the youth orientation.

Additional Membership Benefits (Camp Olson)

What are the Adult Locker room benefits?

  • 18+ year only locker room which is locked for added security
  • Private Kit Locker is assigned to each member for 24-hour use
  • Towel service
  • Private sauna in locker room

What are the 3 ways to pay?

  • Bankdraft pay - takes dues directly out of checking or savings account on the 15th of each month. There is no “commitment” period for the bankdraft, we only require 30 days written notice to cancel.
  • Annual - pay for full year at once.
  • Short term - 1 month at a time;
  • Financial assistance is available based on income and family size. Print or pick up an application at the Y Membership Desk. Complete the application, attach the appropriate income verification documents, and return to the Membership Desk. Processing of the application may take 1-2 weeks and you will be notified by email of your income-based membership rate.